Last week my sister, brother-in-law and two nieces came to visit. There was plenty of mad chaos and delight for everybody, plus lots of delicious food cooked, adventuring about and plenty of time to commune at home. For me this time of year is about reemergence, celebrating the light, planting seeds. It is a time to reflect on the fertility of the earth and the potential of all beings, the freedom to comfortably be out of doors for long stretches of time, the reimagining of connecting to and participating in my community. As a mother of two young children I think a lot about what traditions we are creating as a family and for our children. I think about how to give meaning and shape to the year as we shift through the seasons. I grew up celebrating Easter, but admittedly I have searched outside my childhood box for spiritual meaning and sustenance. My husband grew up a cultural Jew in New York, steeped in the rigor of communist thought and intellectual inquiry. But, organized religion does not feel like a genuine connection point for us and so we have sought to create something else for our family. I'm not exactly sure what this something else is, but I know that it has something to do with community, food and making.