In this era where our lives are overflowing with stimuli, keeping the brain ever engaged, I wonder if we are hindering access to our deepest creative selves. In my experience, my ideas come when my brain is given space to mull, to turn an idea over and over until it is honed, a smooth stone shinning clearly before me. As an artist I want to create the space to connect to one’s own imagination without technology, to cultivate the possibility of a more magical existence while also attempting to impart an honest sense of the world we live in today. I want, amidst the challenges and pain of a troubled world, for children to be able to imagine themselves beyond their own existence. I want to create opportunities for each of us to step into a story that is not our own, to empathize with another, to dig into a possible experience more deeply, to both dwell on and delete some of the darkness in any given scenario, to try on a moment or a feeling for size, to understand what it might be like to exist in that portal to another reality, to learn from it, but also leave it behind, as if in a dream.