I think I've mentioned this before, but I have a certain love of the magical, the perhaps impossible, improbable, the beauty in the unknown, the mysterious. I love books like Midnight Circus, The Miniaturist, and The Museum of Extraordinary Things. All trundle you back in time to a place of somewhat tormented life with a magical escape that informs life with a bit more nuanced meaning, mystery and from a readers perspective, enchanting beauty. It ain't all wine and roses, but something about it invites you in, makes you want to peer a little closer, step into the experience, explore those moments, wander around and soak it all in. Sooo, thus begins my next project, Elements of Mystery. I'm hoping to create images that maybe don't tell you the whole story, maybe suggest a bit of the pain, exhaustion, wonder or possibility in any given scenario. Maybe a young girl artist takes flight in a suitcase and lands on a beach where possibility begins or dreams of a ship carrying her family across stormy seas to a new life only to learn of it's capsize. I'm excited for this next adventure in image making, for conjuring up the experiences and some how bringing them into being. Here's to catching butterflies, playing to the death, woodland tea parties, merging beings with your spirit animal and oh so much more.
Here's wishing you and yours a happy new year filled with turning over new leaves!